Ocena wyników zastosowania nowego wspornika systemu Baha® i nowej techniki chirurgicznej bez redukcji tkanki podskórnej

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 6


The aim of this study is the evaluation of results of using new Baha abutment covered by hydroxyapatite (Baha® BA400, Cochlear Ltd.) which enables new surgical technique without soft tissue reduction. Material and methods: The results of treatment of 9 adult patients were compared with results of 126 patients implanted earlier by standard technique with soft tissue reduction. Results: In analyzed group we find: slight shortening of time of surgery, similar results of implant stability (RFA) before sound processor connection, very good cosmetic results in 6 patients, some soft tissue overhanging in 2 and retraction pocket formation and inflammation (Holgers 2) in 1, no numbness and pain in operated area in all operated. Conclusions: New Baha abutment covered by hydroxyapatite (Baha® BA400) enables to safely use new surgical technique without soft tissue reduction. In authors' opinion the most important benefit from this technique is limited bleeding during operation, reduction of using of coagulation and less risk of lesion of nerves and numbness or pain after operation. This technique required less time, but the need of measuring of soft tissue and choosing of proper abutment cause longer preoperative time, so the time of all procedure is only slightly shorter. The esthetic results and healing process confirm the advantage of technique without soft tissue reduction over standard technique. However in patients with a thick soft tissue there is a risk of soft tissue overhanging, so in such cases it is better to make a partial soft tissue reduction.

Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Gawęcki, Maciej Wróbel, Łukasz Borucki, Witold Szyfter


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Wojciech Gawęcki, Maciej Wróbel, Łukasz Borucki, Witold Szyfter (2013). Ocena wyników zastosowania nowego wspornika systemu Baha® i nowej techniki chirurgicznej bez redukcji tkanki podskórnej. Otolaryngologia Polska, 67(6), 278-282. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-52470