Ocena zagrożeń i metod ochrony muraw kserotermicznych z klasy Festuco-Brometea w rezerwacie przyrody Stawska Góra
Journal Title: Łąkarstwo w Polsce - Year 2015, Vol 18, Issue
The study objective is to assess the threats and protection methods of xerothermic grasslands of Festuco-Brometea class and other rare and protected plant species in Stawska Góra nature reserve. Stawska Góra nature reserve was established in 1956 to protect the natural steppe vegetation communities (habitat 6210-3 Flowery xerothermic grasslands of the Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati alliance, Festuco-Brometea class) with rare plant species, including Carlina onopordifolia. Study areas were selected for analysis based on two transects and phytosociological relevés taken using the Braun-Blanquet method in the years 2008–2015. Protection methods used in the past and at present within the nature reserve were assessed, i.e. the cutting of shrubs and grazing of Świniarka Sheep and Polish Lowland Sheep. The xerothermic grasslands under study are threatened by the lack of grazing, biocenotic evolution and accumulation of dead organic matter, which leads to succession changes in the natural habitat (secondary succession). Secondary succession is the biggest threat both to the grasslands and the specific rare and/or protected plant species in Stawska Góra nature reserve, as shown by the extinction of Aquilegia vulgaris, a plant that was very rare a few years ago. The cutting of shrubs improved the shrub and tree-understory expansion index but brought only short-term results. The pasturage led to the improvement of parameters such as native expansive species of herbaceous plants, shrub and tree-understory expansion, and dead organic matter, which creates good conditions for the generative reproduction of xerothermic plants such as Carlina onopordifolia. The shrub and tree-understory expansion index did not improve as a result of sheep grazing in the patch dominated by shrubs. In such patches, it would be advisable to combine the cutting of shrubs with their entire root mass with the extensive sheep grazing.
Authors and Affiliations
Mariusz Kulik, Marianna Warda, Tomasz Gruszecki, Marek Tatarczak, Krzysztof Patkowski
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