Skutki zmian w zakresie wykorzystania trwałych użytków zielonych w obszarach karpackich
Journal Title: Łąkarstwo w Polsce - Year 2017, Vol 20, Issue
The study aimed to identify and parameterize environmental effects that occur as a result of changes in permanent grassland in mountain areas. Possibilities of utilizing them in mountain conditions were proposed. Research was carried out in the upper Dunajec and the upper Raba River basin. Changes occurred in both basins have been analyzed since 1980 and the quality of grassland was determined according to the LPIS (Land Parcel Identification System). Analyses of spatial variability of water chemistry were conducted in relation to diversity of grassland areas.In the years 1980–1999, the area of grassland was only a little variable and fluctuated within 10% in the upper Raba River basin and 20% in the upper Dunajec River basin, as regard to their total areas. Since the beginning of the 20th century there was a significant increase in the area, especially of meadows, which lasted until 2011–2012. There was nearly 2.5 times level of increase in the upper Dunajec River basin, while in the upper Raba River basin the level of increase was up to 3 times. This, however, was mainly due to the extensification of agricultural produc- tion and the self-sodding of arable fields. Only in the last few years there has been observed a stabilization in regard to the area of permanent grassland. The highest water pollution was recorded in estuary sections of rivers, especially in the vicinity of dense built-up areas. In contrast, where the share of grassland area was significant, pollution of surface water was reduced.The role and functioning of grassland in mountain areas has been greatly modified. At present, grassland in the mountains fulfill primarily ecological, aesthetic-recreational and health functions, and then economic (agricultural or non-agricultural) role. The use of permanent grassland for agricultural purposes should concern those fragments, where their quality is the highest and there is an economic justification for such activities.
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Kopacz
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