This article deals with the concept mapping method. The method has not yet
received much attention in educational publications in the Czech language. The authors
describe principles, functions, advantages and limitatio...
Tento článek se týká metody pojmového mapování (concept mapping).
V česky psané pedagogické literatuře nebyla této metodě dosud věnována velká pozornost.
Autoři popisují podstatu, funkce, přednosti a limity této metody...
This theoretical study concerns the issue of representations. Representation
is a concept used when analysing and explaining human perception, cognition,
communication, and learning. Firstly, we introduce the psycholog...
The study reports on relations between the field of so-called ritual studies and the educational sphere. The author points out the relations between rituals and the process of human shaping and learning, the state of rit...
The survey study brings information about the way that educational research
copes with neoliberalism as a generalized form of social government in the current
western culture. It shows that neoliberalism is considered...
EP ID EP125969
DOI 10.5817/PedOr2013-5-634
Views 127
Downloads 0
How To Cite
Tomáš Janík (2013). Od reformy kurikula k produktivní kultuře vyučování a učení. Pedagogicka Orientace, 23(5),
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Use of Concept Maps in Teaching Pedagogy
This article deals with the concept mapping method. The method has not yet received much attention in educational publications in the Czech language. The authors describe principles, functions, advantages and limitatio...
Využití pojmových map ve výuce pedagogiky
Tento článek se týká metody pojmového mapování (concept mapping). V česky psané pedagogické literatuře nebyla této metodě dosud věnována velká pozornost. Autoři popisují podstatu, funkce, přednosti a limity této metody...
Representations of content: psychological foundations and didactical background
This theoretical study concerns the issue of representations. Representation is a concept used when analysing and explaining human perception, cognition, communication, and learning. Firstly, we introduce the psycholog...
The role of Rituals in Education
The study reports on relations between the field of so-called ritual studies and the educational sphere. The author points out the relations between rituals and the process of human shaping and learning, the state of rit...
Neoliberalism in education: Five images of critical analyses
The survey study brings information about the way that educational research copes with neoliberalism as a generalized form of social government in the current western culture. It shows that neoliberalism is considered...