Od szalonego Grzesia do Szninkla. Krótka historia samoistnych publikacji komiksowych w Polsce do roku 1989

Journal Title: Bibliotheca Nostra. Śląski Kwartalnik Naukowy - Year 2016, Vol 46, Issue 4


The article presents a history of autonomous polish comic books published before 1989. It began in 1920 with the volume Ogniem i mieczem, czyli przygody szalonego Grzesia (With Fire and Sword. The Adventures of Crazy Gregor) written by Stanisław Wasylewski and illustrated by Kamil Mackiewicz. Most comics created during the Second Polish Republic took the form of illustrations accompanied by rhymed commentaries. Many of these were anthologies of strips that fi rst appeared in the press, but wholly original titles were also created – the most popular of these was Koziołek Matołek (Matołek the Billy-Goat) written by Kornel Makuszyński, illustrated by Marian Walentynowicz. After World War II the socialist government opposed comic books, viewing them as a product of imperialist politics. All the while mass culture was forced to serve the communists’ ideology. The situation changed for the better in 1956, but it wasn’t until over a dozen years later that longer series of comic books started to appear on the market. The most popular were Kapitan Żbik (Captain Żbik), Podziemny front (Underground Front), Kapitan Kloss (Captain Kloss) and Janosik. Although more and more comic book titles (both domestic and foreign) were being published in Poland every year, the sum total of these was never very high. However, some editions reached as many as an impressive amount of 400.000 copies.

Authors and Affiliations

Adam Rusek


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How To Cite

Adam Rusek (2016). Od szalonego Grzesia do Szninkla. Krótka historia samoistnych publikacji komiksowych w Polsce do roku 1989. Bibliotheca Nostra. Śląski Kwartalnik Naukowy, 46(4), 83-96. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-207028