On the classification of typical methods of committing crimes in the field of financing of social target programs


. Social policy of the state is realized, as a rule, through social target programs financed from the state and local budgets, special funds, funds received from investors, etc. Criminal activities in the area of financing social purpose programs lead to the appropriation of millions of public funds and impede the introduction of new social standards to which these programs are directed. Knowledge of law enforcement officers of the typical methods of committing crimes in the specified sphere will allow to quickly and effectively identify and investigate crimes of this category. The budget is an integral part of any state, because it ensures its development. That is why all crimes connected with violation of budget legislation negatively affect not only the interests of the state as a whole, but also the interests of each individual citizen of his/her own. The article describes the classification of methods and schemes of committing mercenary crimes, which are most often committed in the sphere of financing of social target programs, and outlines the characteristic features of these crimes. In committing mercenary crimes in this sphere, the seizure of funds from the treasury is increasingly being used because of the use of legal forms of economic activity or the exercise of powers to control this activity. The analysis of the works of leading scientists allowed to identify the methods and schemes that are most often used in committing crimes in implementing social targeted programs in the health care system, namely: during the implementation of social targeted programs for the implementation of the state drug policy for the period up to 2020. The methods and schemes that were most often used in committing mercenary crimes in the system aimed at forming the future potential of Ukraine, in particular, when implementing the social target program "Youth of Ukraine" for 2016-2020, are based on the need for a full-fledged development and self-actualization of youth in issues related to education. Separately, the issue of the misuse of budget funds allocated for the implementation of social target programs (elimination of the consequences of man-made disasters, natural disasters, development of agricultural sectors, etc.), for payment of wages, for the purchase of fuel and lubricants in commercial structures, repayment of urgent payments, construction and catering in public institutions, etc. The most common methods of committing crimes connected with the illegal obtaining of a loan, namely the state target, are outlined, their characteristics are given. Particular attention in cases on the use of targeted government loans is not intended for direct purpose two major blocs of circumstances: as in accordance with the regulatory requirements must be distributed (ie use) of funds and what actions were actually carried out, which while allowed violations of regulatory and regulatory acts. It was noted that when realizing social target programs, subjects are forced to make public procurements, describes ways of committing crimes that may be committed during public procurement.

Authors and Affiliations

D. V. Viter


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  • EP ID EP583483
  • DOI 10.31733/2078-3566-2019-1-10-15
  • Views 96
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How To Cite

D. V. Viter (2019). On the classification of typical methods of committing crimes in the field of financing of social target programs. Naukovyy Visnyk Dnipropetrovs'kogo Derzhavnogo Universytety Vnutrishnikh Sprav, 1(1), 10-15. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-583483