On translating the term acquis communautaire
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 152
This article analyzes the term acquis communautaire within the purview of Translation Studies, paying special attention to each particular EU language. The material for the translational analysis emanates from IATE, where one can observe different vari- ants of translation of this term. One of the main tasks of the analysis conducted is to expand horizons and generate an adequate vari- ant of translation of this term in the Ukrainian language. It is of great importance when it comes to Ukraine, where the Association Agreement has finally come into force, calling for an ever-increasing demand for investigating and improving the level of bilateral communication and, therefore, the language of the EU, or, to put it linguistically, eurolect.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Chebotaryova
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