Open-source innovation of drug companies
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1
Open-source innovation is a relatively new phenomenon and especially interesting in the context of cooptition, which means cooperation of competitive companies. Because of high level of innovativeness and capital pharmaceutical sector has huge potential to implement new solutions for acquiring innovation. Crisis of innovation in this sector, which is connected to R&D technologies crisis and disproportional growth of R&D costs, can be an additional enabler to implement opensource innovation. While analyzing business environment in pharmaceutical sector in Poland, the attention should be drawn to legislation restrictions related to drugs’ advertisement and changing of the drugs’ reimbursement list, which can be another stimulus to decline costs of R&D and the risk. Opensource innovation of pharmaceutical enterprises is at the first stage. In this paper, there are presented aspects of this phenomenon that indicate its future development of were. Thus that can be interesting area for the research.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Turkiewicz
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