Opinia prawna na temat odpowiedzialności ministra za niewykonanie prawa Unii Europejskiej

Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2017, Vol 54, Issue 2


Council and European Parliament regulations are legal acts which are directly applicable in the Polish legal order, what results in an require‑ ment of their application by all public authorities without issuing national executive acts. Non-execution by a minister of EU acts may consist in a desistence of material and organizational activities required for their practical application. Violation of the law by the ministers results in their political responsibility. Moreover a criminal responsibility for failing to perform official duties may be imposed on former and current ministers. With regard to constitutional liability, its application may be made with a precedent judgment of the Tribunal of State. This liability may be limited by the limitation period.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czarny


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How To Cite

Piotr Czarny (2017). Opinia prawna na temat odpowiedzialności ministra za niewykonanie prawa Unii Europejskiej. Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych, 54(2), 49-56. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-307533