Оптимизация состава интерметаллидного катализатора для окисления оксида углерода и углеводородов

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1


THE OPTIMIZATION OF THE COMPOSITION INTERMETALLIC CATALYST FOR THE OXIDATION OF CARBON MONOXIDE AND HYDROCARBONS Sereda B.P.,Belokon K.V., Belokon Y.A. Abstract The paper presents the results of optimization composition intermetallic catalyst in the processes of neutralization carbon-containing components of gas emissions. The second-order orthogonal plan with the nucleus 23 was used to establish the regularities of the influence of the mixture composition on the catalytic properties and the derivation of the quadratic coefficients of the regression equation. Optimization parameters are: Y1 — specific surface area of the catalyst (Ssp), m2/g; Y2 — total porosity of the catalyst (P),%; Y3 — activity of the catalyst during oxidation of СО at 200оС ( ),%;Y4 — activity of the catalyst during oxidation of C3H8 at 200oC ( ),%. As independent variables were chosen: the content of the mixture of cobalt (Х1), the content of the mixture of manganese (Х2), the content of the mixture of copper (Х3). As the initial components were used pure powders of nickel, aluminum, cobalt, manganese oxide and copper. A number of the equations were obtained in the results of regression analysis, which show the dependence of the catalytic properties and porosity of the catalyst on the content of the alloying elements. As a result of mathematical planning, it was found that the optimal composition of the catalyst is, mass %: nickel — 30%, cobalt — 10%, manganese — 11%, copper — 2%, aluminum — the rest. For obtaining comparative data tests of the famous structure of the catalyst which have received in the conditions of burning were in parallel carried out. The catalytic activity and the specific surface of the received catalyst were estimated with the famous structure. The obtained catalysts were used in the processes of neutralization of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. As a result of the study it was found that using the obtained intermetallic catalyst, the conversion of CO is 100%, and the conversion of C3H8 is 95%. When using the known catalyst the conversion of CO is 85%, and the conversion of C3H8 is 75%. The specific surface area of the obtained catalyst was 110 m2/g, and for the known composition it was 65 m2/g. References [1] Sereda B.P., Kozhemyakin G.B., Ryzhkov V.G., Savela K.V., Belokon Y.A. Vliyanie sostava nikel'-alyuminievogo splava s dobavkami Co, Mn i Cu na strukturu i udel'nuyu aktivnost' katalizatora na ikh osnove [The effect of the composition of a nickel-aluminum alloy with Co, Mn and Cu additives on the structure and specific activity of a catalyst based on them]. Stroitel'stvo, materialovedenie, mashinostroenie: sb. nauch. trudov, 2009, no. 48, pp. 101–104 (in Russian). [2] Grigoryan E.A., Merzhanov A.G. 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Authors and Affiliations

Б. П. Середа, К. В. Белоконь, Ю. А. Белоконь


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How To Cite

Б. П. Середа, К. В. Белоконь, Ю. А. Белоконь (2017). Оптимизация состава интерметаллидного катализатора для окисления оксида углерода и углеводородов. Математичне моделювання, 1(1), 55-58. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-277104