Organizacyjne formy kształcenia nauczycieli przedszkoli w Łodzi w latach 1945–1989
Journal Title: Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 3
Political and socio-economic changes that took place in Poland after the Second World War posed preschool education to new quantitative and qualitative tasks. The need to create a broad network of preschool education institutions across the country caused the necessity of preschool teachers’ education. Initially preschool teacher’s education in Łódź was mainly based on temporary forms of education, like short or long term courses. In the years 1945-1989 we can speak of a certain evolution in the education of this professional group. That process of change is the subject of the article. Launching of a senior year high school and then the development of post-secondary forms of education were the first successes in founding institutional forms for preschool teachers education. At last, in the 1973/74 academic year, a university education for these teachers was inaugurated in Łódź. The social status of Łódź inhabitants and program changes resulting from the new educational policy were taken into account in the presentation of consecutive steps in the structural forms of the preschool teacher education.
Authors and Affiliations
Aleksandra Feliniak, Wiesława Leżańska
Ludwik Grzebień, Beata Topij-Stempińska: Konwikt szlachecki w Tarnopolu 1856–1886. Słownik wychowanków, Kraków 2016, s. 349
Bogdan Szyszka: Gimnazjum i Liceum im. Jana Zamoyskiego w Zamościu 1916–2016, Zamość 2016, s. 253
Recenzja publikacji Bogdana Szyszki.
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