Organizational-pedagogical conditions for information-analytical competence formation of future specialists in the accounting and taxation in the process of professional training


The essence of the concept “organizational-pedagogical conditions” is analyzed and disclosed in the article. It is investigated external and internal factors which provide high effectiveness of formation of information and analytical competence of future specialists in account and the taxation in the course of vocational training. The analysis showed that the innovative development of society needs active implementation and effective use of modern technologies in the teaching-educational process. It is noted that the effectiveness of this process is significantly influenced by the activation of the thinking of future specialists and their focus on finding new ways of solving problems. It is emphasized that the personality traits of the future specialist, his cognitive abilities, level of knowledge, motivation, also have a significant influence on the formation of information and analytical competence. Organizational-pedagogical conditions are determined, the implementation of which is aimed at providing organizational-pedagogical support for the formation of this competence.

Authors and Affiliations

В. М. Шевченко


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How To Cite

В. М. Шевченко (2018). Organizational-pedagogical conditions for information-analytical competence formation of future specialists in the accounting and taxation in the process of professional training. Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 5 Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи, 64(), 208-213.