Основні форми педагогічної підтримки професійного розвитку майбутніх учителів у Великобританії

Journal Title: Порівняльно-педагогічні студії - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1


У статті проаналізовано основні проблеми педагогічної підтримки професійного розвитку майбутніх учителів у Великобританії. Пояснюються труднощі входження майбутнього вчителя у професійну діяльність. Представлено основні підходи до визначення сутності поняття «педагогічна підтримка». Висвітлено і охарактеризовано основні форми педагогічної під-тримки майбутніх учителів у Великобританії. Означено коло проблем і труд-нощів майбутніх учителів, вирішення яких застосовується педагогічна підтримка. Систематизовано певні вимоги до фахівців, які надають педагог-гічну підтримку майбутнім учителям у їхньому професійному становленні. Узагальнено значення педагогічної підтримки, а також форм, які застосовує фахівець для професійного становлення майбутнього освітянина. The article analyzes the main problems of future teachers’ pedagogical support in Great Britain. Difficulties of future teachers’ admission into professional activities are explained, and also a specialist’s specially organized work in a definite sphere is described; a young teacher is aimed at understanding of a personal attitude to the profession and making a professional choice through the self-perception, a specialist is believed to provide the pedagogical support to a young teacher. The main approaches to the definition of the concept «pedagogical support» are introduced. It is considered as special sphere of educational activities, which is aimed at helping to promote self-development of future teachers, solving their individual problems related to the promotion of education, developing the need in successful independent actions; teacher’s systematic, purposeful activity, which provides a disclosure of future teachers’ personal potential with a specific help in overcoming difficulties in studies and self-promotion in professional and personal fulfillment; helping students to overcome difficulties based on their subjective experience and mastering the means of detection and solving their problems; determining students’ interests, abilities, values, opportunities and ways of overcoming difficulties that prevent their self-development. The main forms of future teachers’ pedagogical support in Great Britain are described. Several terms are used to describe the main forms of future teachers’ pedagogical support in Great Britain - counseling, support, guidance, tutoring and mentoring. Tutor system of the pedagogical support of future teachers’ professional development provides an individual approach aimed at providing students with the necessary knowledge and skills. The term «support» is understood as a material support. In Great Britain this form of the pedagogical support provides grants for the university studies, the possibility of free courses or own experimental investigation in one of university laboratories. Consulting is the process of helping clients to understand their interests, develop the capacity to achieve the required results, solve their specific problems in the process of the professional development, overcome the crisis states, internal conflicts, working on their own feelings and mutual understanding with others; assistance in the development of human emotional health. Mentoring is not only granting or providing knowledge on future teachers’ professional development, it is a mutually beneficial process in which a prospective teacher acquires confidence, receives professional guidance and meets professional needs. The range of problems and difficulties of future teachers are determined. Definite requirements for specialists who provide pedagogical support on the future teachers’ professional development are introduced. The importance of the pedagogical support and forms applying by a specialist for the future teacher’s professional development are generalized.

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Ілона ПАЛАГУТА (2016). Основні форми педагогічної підтримки професійного розвитку майбутніх учителів у Великобританії. Порівняльно-педагогічні студії, 1(1), 84-91. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-232983