Особливості внутрішніх психологічних детермінант самоефективності педагогічних працівників (Features of internal psychological determinants of educators' self-efficacy)
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 4
The holistic approach to the problem of determination of educators' self-efficacy makes it possible for the first time to explore the set of such internal determinants, as educators' subjective comfort in the "worker-educational organization" system; educators' attitudes to themselves as the subject of professional activity; motivational aspects of professional activity and educators' susceptibility to organizational stress. The results of variance analysis show statistically significant relationships between the levels of these determinants and educators' self-efficacy, as well as the determinants' impact on different types of self-efficacy. The author discusses educators' general professional motivation which allows building a personal profile of the self-efficient educator whose dominant values include their own professional activity and performance as well as their own professional self-cognition. The obtained empirical data are transgressive in its content because they allow seeing the basic elements of the educator's self-concept as a self-efficient professional. The study conducted by the author evidences the importance of environmental friendliness of education, educators' self-efficacy in it and their productive professional status.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleksiy Mushehov
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