А set of techniques to investigation a perfectionism of personality of scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher school


The article deals with the content and structure of a set of techniques to investigation a perfectionism of personality of scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher school. This set consists of such techniques: a work sheetwith open-ended questions "Perfectionism in the Professional Activity of Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of Higher School" T.Grubi, “The Big Three Perfectionism Scale” M. Smith, D. Saklofske, J. Stoeber, S. Sherry, "The Differential Test of Perfectionism" A. Zolotareva, author’s modification "The Self-Anchoring Scaling" F. Kilpatrick & H. Cantril, “The Dutch Work Addiction Scale” W. Schaufeli & Т. Taris,“The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale” W. Schaufeli & B. Bakker.This setof techniqueswas worked outtaking into account the specificity of professional activity of scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher school.

Authors and Affiliations

Tamara Grubi


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How To Cite

Tamara Grubi (2016). А set of techniques to investigation a perfectionism of personality of scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher school. Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія, 4(4), 25-31. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-540671