Гендерні особливості образу успішного підприємця в свідомості студентської молоді (Gender differences in students' perception of the ideal entrepreneur)
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2018, Vol 14, Issue 3
The article presents the results of research into the image of the ideal entrepreneur, which were obtained using the non-directive associative experiment. The aim of the research was to identify gender differences in students' perception of the ideal entrepreneur. The sample included 46 students (25 women and 21 men) averagely aged 20.8 years. The first stage of the study used a non-directive associative experiment in which the respondents gave ten associations to the stimulus-phrase 'successful entrepreneur.' At the second stage of the research, ten most common associations produced by men and women were selected to give the names to the scales of a specially designed questionnaire. The research found gender differences in the students' perceptions of the ideal entrepreneur: women viewed the ideal entrepreneur as a decent, highly-skilled, hard-working and purposeful professional, while men saw the ideal entrepreneur as a risk-taking and goal-focused person. Both men and women considered the ideal entrepreneur as having professional and communicative competences and being financially and socially efficient and highly moral. However, men perceived as a negative feature of the ideal entrepreneur his/her positively correlated 'connections' and 'wealth', which can be explained by the negative environmental factors in entrepreneurial activity.
Authors and Affiliations
Taras Kulakovsky, Olga Kulakovska
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