Ответственность в сфере социального партнерства в Беларуси и за рубежом / Responsibility in the Field of Social Partnership in Belarus and Abroad

Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue 2


This article gives a brief description of the positive and negative responsibility. The problem of responsibility of parties of the collective contract and the agreement for non-performance of their conditions is considered. Particularly, there is of administrative and special responsibilities of the parties analyzed. It is proposed to enshrine some measures of responsibility of the parties in the collective contract and the agreement. Firstly, the deprivation of a party or its representative, violated the terms of a collective contract, an agreement of any right. But in this case, we can only speak about additional rights. Secondly, in case of violation by employer of collective contract, to provide the other side (where possible) the right to anything in double. There is comparative characteristics of legislation in countries such as Belarus, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan made. It seems reasonable to fix in the legislation of Belarus the basis of liability, such as a deviation from participating in collective bargaining; unjustified refusal to sign an agreed collective agreement, etc. The author draws attention to the need to differentiate and define the responsibility of the social partnership and their representatives.

Authors and Affiliations

Елена ВОЛК


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How To Cite

Елена ВОЛК (2014). Ответственность в сфере социального партнерства в Беларуси и за рубежом / Responsibility in the Field of Social Partnership in Belarus and Abroad. Університетські наукові записки, 13(2), 259-265. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-425633