The article presents some fragments of the studies concerning archaic components, included in biblical lexis, still existing in contemporary Ukrainian and Russian languages. These two languages have coexisted and develop...
Usiewaład Rahojsza (2001). Паэзія Алеся Гаруна на тле суседніх літаратур пачатку ХХ стагоддзя. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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К проблемe польско-восточнославянскиx культурных отношений XVII - началa XVIII века
"Категория вежливости в английской и русской коммуникативных культурах", Т. В. Ларина, Mocква 2003
Ангажавнасць кампаравнатывістыкай : (дa 70-годдзя Базыля Бeлaкaзовіча)
Архаïзми серед споконвiчноï богословськоï фразеологiï
The article presents some fragments of the studies concerning archaic components, included in biblical lexis, still existing in contemporary Ukrainian and Russian languages. These two languages have coexisted and develop...
Melchior Wańkowicz a Białoruś