Pain relief treatment for patients suffering from cancer of head and neck

Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 2


Many patients who suffer fr om canc er of the head and neck are not properly treated with analgetic drugs. The un derstanding of cancer-re lated mechanism s and ethiopathogenesis is a corner stone of successful therapy. Non- steroidal anti-infl ammatory drugs and opioid analgesics are two of the most common classes of drugs used for the trea tment of pain. Treatment should be based on analgetic ladder esta blished by World Health Organ ization. For the cancer-related pain the oral route of analgesic s is consid ered the one of choice but tu mors of head and neck can cause mechanical obstacle for such administrat ion. Therefore trans dermal way is very convenient. Patient with cancerof head and neck especia lly those who underwent radi otherapy are better responsive for intranasal administration of opioids than to sublingual due to xerostomia. Additional treatment is based on adjuvant analgetics (espe cially for neuropathic pain and symptom control). It should be noted that many patients suffer also from side eff ects of analgetic drugs such as constipation, vomiting, peptic ulcers, eso phagitis and small intestinal lesions. In order to diminish those adverse effects prevent ion should be administered.

Authors and Affiliations

Agata Gierlotka, Jacek Kozakiewicz, Artur Pakosz, Jadwiga Pyszkowska


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Agata Gierlotka, Jacek Kozakiewicz, Artur Pakosz, Jadwiga Pyszkowska (2014). Pain relief treatment for patients suffering from cancer of head and neck. Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny, 3(2), -.