Парадигма 1708 года: измена монарху или право на самоопределение
Journal Title: Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2
The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal grounds that pushed hetman Ivan Mazepa tj revolt against the Moscow tsar Peter I. At the end 1708 y. before Ivan Mazepa wos a situation of choice of retread. Does the author of this article answer a question: Did hetman Mazepa have a right to choose a new ally? A hetman wanted to get independence of Left-bank Ukraine, following European tradition of “public agreement” and system of Westfalen peace.
Authors and Affiliations
Александр Слесаренко
Парадигма 1708 года: измена монарху или право на самоопределение
The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal grounds that pushed hetman Ivan Mazepa tj revolt against the Moscow tsar Peter I. At the end 1708 y. before Ivan Mazepa wos a situation of choice of retread. Does the a...
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