Participation in horizon 2020: impact on transformation of higher education in ukraine

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 131


It is determined that changing social, economic and political priorities under current conditions necessitates the establish- ment of a new education management system, the change of traditional mechanisms (caused by centralized management) and the establishment of new mechanisms of state influence with their re-orientation from implementing control functions to regulation ones. This is possible on the basis of the systemic transition from principles of industrial policy to principles of creating an educational infrastructure of social transformation. It is established that the real autonomy for universities, the formulation of their own develop- ment strategy and competitiveness, the use of international standards, the creation of high-quality educational programs, the imple- mentation of a quality assessment system and the development of an effective economic policy of universities should be provided. It is proposed to consider the international cooperation as a basic and primary factor in optimizing the state regulation of educational sphere.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Iakymenko


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How To Cite

O. Iakymenko (2017). Participation in horizon 2020: impact on transformation of higher education in ukraine. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(131), 44-47.