Pengembangan Dashboard Information System (DIS)
Journal Title: Jurnal INFOTEL - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 2
Developments and changes in information technology should be fully utilized by the organization. Information is one of the most important asset in supporting the progress and achievement of the objectives of an organization. Measurement of the performance of an organization needs to be done to ensure the achievement that has been set. In the process the necessary performance measurement data and information extracted from the relevant part or in whole. Results of monitoring performance can be directly viewed by the user concerned effectively and efficiently. Dashboard is a tool that can help the leaders of universities to monitor and evaluate the performance of the organization by presenting information about Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in the form of a visual interface at a glance on one screen, so that data can be analyzed more effectively and efficiently. The method used is the study of literature and literature kasus.Studi studies conducted to assess various concepts of dashboards, KPIs and visualization of information. KPIs are used in the development of dashboards in LPPM using the indicators of the program management contract customer growth and learning are applied in Telkom ST3 Purwokerto.The results show that by using the waterfall model on delivering dashboards to users who have performed with the second iteration, the dashboard has been meeting the needs of LPPM in monitoring performance.
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