Pengembangan Komik Matematika dengan Metode Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, & Review (PQ4R) Pada Materi Lingkaran Kelas VIII SMP
Journal Title: JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) - Year 2019, Vol 3, Issue 1
This study aims to produce comics with the PQ4R learning method on the material of the class VIII of junior high school that has good validity, practicality and effectiveness. This study uses a 4-D model, namely the stage of define, design, and develop. The research instruments were comic validation sheets, comic practicality sheets and comic effectiveness sheets. The results showed that (1) mathematical comics with the PQ4R learning method included in the valid category of material, language, and design aspects with an average score of 4.01; (2) the comic is included in the practical category with an average score of 4.14; (3) the comic is included in the effective category with an average score of 4.06. Then the achievement of activities includes (1) activities in active teaching and learning activities with an average score of student activity 4.19; (2) student responses to effective learning with students' average response scores of 4.27; (3) activities in active teaching and learning activities with an average score of teacher activity of 4.42; and (4) effective student learning outcomes with an average score of student learning outcomes of 4.00 and the average percentage of students who achieve a minimum completeness score of 70 is 86%.
Authors and Affiliations
Elsa Farapatana, Yunita Septriana Anwar, Abdillah Abdillah
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