Percepcja przyrody w sonecie Stepy akermańskie Adama Mickiewicza i jego przekładach na język rosyjski
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 0
The paper analyses Russian translations of The Akkerman Steppes (Crimean Sonnets) from the perspective of perception of nature by the poet and its translations. The author examines their characteristics connected with the interpretation of this poem and the translation choice – a challenging exercise for translators.
Authors and Affiliations
Iwona Borys
Człowiek wobec tajemnicy śmierci w krótkich formach prozatorskich Michaiła Arcybaszewa
From the earliest times, people have been bending over the issue of death, trying to reach its essence. Therefore, death has become one of the leading literary motifs. The article analyses hu- man attitudes towards death...
Marian Zdziechowski jako puszkinolog
Запад - Восток в художественном coзнании А. С. Пушкина
Polsko-ukraińskie pogranicze kulturowe na łamach "Енциклопедії українознавства"
Kobieta demoniczna Teffi (1872–1952) w przekładzie Juliana Tuwima
This article deals with the specifics of the language and the translational difficulties of Teffi (Nadezhda Lochwicka), one of the most recognized figures of pre-revolutionary Russia, poet, columnist and author of humoro...