The article is devoted to spirituality as an actual category of the scientific and cultural paradigm of the 20th century, spirituality is qualified as an “eternal theme”. The author emphasizes
the “fuzziness of the them...
In the modern world, foreign languages are a tool being used in work by many young persons, and as a consequence – students are interested in the practical knowledge of a foreign language. There are not many useful tools...
Kontrowersje wokół Karoliny Sobańskiej
К вопросy о семантикo-синтаксической функции наречий в русском и польском языкax : (на материалe поэмы В. Ерофеевa "Москва-Петушки" и еe польского переводa)
Польско-русскaя компаративистика в трудах профессора Базылия Бялокозовича : некоторые аспекты изучения
Духовность и святость в романе Евгения Водолазкина Лавр
The article is devoted to spirituality as an actual category of the scientific and cultural paradigm of the 20th century, spirituality is qualified as an “eternal theme”. The author emphasizes the “fuzziness of the them...
Dzieci i ryby głosu nie mają? O kształtowaniu kompetencji społecznych i językowych w procesie nauczania języka rosyjskiego
In the modern world, foreign languages are a tool being used in work by many young persons, and as a consequence – students are interested in the practical knowledge of a foreign language. There are not many useful tools...