Передумови виникнення слов’янської писемності
Journal Title: Нова педагогічна думка - Year 2018, Vol 93, Issue 1
The issue of forming of Slavic written language which was supposed to exist before the beginning of educational activity of first teacher Cyril and Methodius arose on the agenda of elaborating of domestic history conception. The article deals with the issue which arose at the beginning of Slavic studies as a science and discussions around which do not subside until today. The researcher considers development of Slavs in unity of regular and historically concrete against the backdrop of history. The author considers the controversial issue of forming of Slavic written language in general sociocultural context of early history of Slavs while using not only written sources but archaeological materials as well.
Authors and Affiliations
Неля Мандрик
Сучасний педагог: шляхи розв’язання проблеми адекватного оцінювання рівня професійної діяльності педагогів
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