Personal resources and stress-coping strategies in musicians and non-musicians
Journal Title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 1
Functioning as a professional musician requires peculiar adaptation. A young person deciding to follow that career path should be physically and mentally prepared for long rehearsal hours, should be also equipped with psychological competences allowing them to cope with stress and tension associated with the necessity of performing in public and being subject to the external assessment. The aim of the article is to present findings of the comparative research concerning stress-coping strategies in the group of students – musicians and non-musicians, as well as to indicate basic personal resources that condition employing adaptation and non-adaptation methods of difficult situations management. In the first part there are discussed two scientific conceptions, fundamental to the conducted research i.e. Lazarus’ theory and the conservation of resources theory by Hobfoll. The results of earlier analyses concerning stress in musicians and music school students have also been quoted. The second part presents research questions and applied methods. The achieved results are also described in detail. In the last part there is made an attempt to explain and interpret them with reference to the latest scientific findings.
Authors and Affiliations
Paulina Szymańska
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