Personality model of the contemporary physiotherapist

Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2012, Vol 16, Issue 3


A contemporary physiotherapist is not only an outstanding specialist with extensive knowledge and practical skills, but also a man with determined personality traits. The main principle for the physiotherapist in fulfilling their duties is motivating „service for health and for human life”. Therefore, personality traits gain a special significance in their work, for which the help for others, the protection of their health and lives are the main message, as well as preventative practices. Personality traits are indicators of physiotherapy action, which provide a specific path for this action to follow, which point out the correct way. Defining the personality model of the physiotherapist is a part of the axiology of physiotherapy itself, of the model of a perfect member of this socio-professional group, equipped with diverse personality traits - moral-social features, mind, character, professional, intellectual. Living and working in a democratic society, a physiotherapist should know and remember the characteristics of Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s reliable carer, the ethics of reverence for life as presented by that great doctor of the humanities Albert Schweitzer, and about the selected civic virtues which Maria Ossowska presented in her article „The model of a citizen in democracy”. And so an attempt to design the ideal model of the contemporary physiotherapist, as desired within a democratic society, constitutes the purpose of this study.

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Rusin


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How To Cite

Magdalena Rusin (2012). Personality model of the contemporary physiotherapist. Rehabilitacja Medyczna, 16(3), 27-32.