Philosophy of expert modelling of sport performance of high level athletes
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2010, Vol 20, Issue 49
[b]Aim of the work.[/b] Successful performance in sport is presently much more than a result achieved by the athlete; it is an element in organizational culture of sports with its values and achievements. Since the basic goal of organization of sports lies in this culture, the process of managing must consider various invisible and visible constituents important for the development of organizational culture of sports. The invisible constituents are those that attract people to sport, while among the visible ones are such as competition rules, execution of competitions, response to sports competitions, staff engaged in sport, technology of sports, transformation processes, sports events, etc.[b]Material and methods.[/b] Theory of performance in sport studies will enable the attainment of the set target criteria on individual performance standards. It can be studied only by means of analysis of a set of a variety of variables that, in the relationship of cause and effect, influence the criterion states on individual performance standards. At the Faculty of Sports of the University of Ljubljana, we have started with the formulation of an expert system called SPORT EXPERT, application of which will enable reaching more efficient decisions in the management of the various sources involved in performance in sports.[b]Results and conclusions. [/b]The results of expert systems are only an aid that can enable better management of people in terms of elevation of performance on the selected standards and criteria. In this way, the expert decisions will be based on more scientific grounds; the value of information will be higher, and the system itself will be permanently oriented towards the growth of the quality of the organizational culture of sports.
Authors and Affiliations
Bojan Jošt, Janez Pustovrh
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