The morphological differentiation of 7- and 14-year-old boys on the background of explosive strength development

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2010, Vol 20, Issue 50


[b]Aim of the work.[/b] The aim was to investigate the possible differences in body structure and other force abilities of seven and fourteen-year-old boys. The results of the standing long jump, which measures the explosive power, was a criterion of division of these two groups.[b]Material and methods.[/b] The material includes measurements of the 7 and 14 year-old boys (n = 151). The data are part of the longitudinal research. The following traits were analyzed: body height, weight, extremities length, biepicondylar breadths, body circumferences, skinfolds and components (endomorphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy). The strength abilities were estimated by standing long jump, ball throw for distance and grip strength. In the groups selected by use of k-means method, a statistical analysis was carried out. The standing long jump was the grouping variable. The Tukey test was applied to evaluate the intergroup diversification.[b]Results.[/b] In 7-year-old boys no significant intergroup diversification in morphological features, except for skinfolds, was observed. It results in significant differences in the fat percentage and the level of endomorphy development. The motor tests show significant differences only in grip strength evaluation. In three groups of 14-year-old boys significant differences in body height, body mass and skinfolds were observed. The results of the remaining motor tests diversify the distinguished groups.[b]Conclusion.[/b] The rate of development in somatic and functional traits is diversified. In younger boys the level of development of explosive strength is connected with different body fatness. In adolescence there are also another determinants of strength abilities: body height and skeleton massiveness. With age, the functional abilities become stronger connected with morphological structure.

Authors and Affiliations

Jadwiga Pietraszewska, Anna Burdukiewicz, Justyna Andrzejewska, Aleksandra Stachoń, Krystyna Chromik


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How To Cite

Jadwiga Pietraszewska, Anna Burdukiewicz, Justyna Andrzejewska, Aleksandra Stachoń, Krystyna Chromik (2010). The morphological differentiation of 7- and 14-year-old boys on the background of explosive strength development. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 20(50), 73-84.