Physical activity in polluted air in light of organizing of a network of bicycle paths in cities


Physical activity in polluted air is an issue well known for years and it is still valid. The growth of knowledge of the influence of various pollutants on people produces numerous activities which limit health risks. They are frequently evident in different investments, which increase possibilities of physical activity. This includes, among many other things, bicycle paths. The aim of this study was to present the most important responses of an organism to physical effort in polluted air with special attention paid to cardiovascular-respiratory and mental functions during bike riding. This article contains suggestions about organizing the network of bicycle paths limiting the effect of environmental pollutants on cyclists.

Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Pasek


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How To Cite

Marcin Pasek (2014). Physical activity in polluted air in light of organizing of a network of bicycle paths in cities. Rocznik Naukowy /Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu im. JędrzejaŚniadeckiego/, 24(0), 50-55.