Physical activity in primary and secondary prevention of breast cancer
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2008, Vol 12, Issue 1
Breast cancer constitutes the most common malignancy among women and epidemiological indices and prognoses indicate an increase in its prevalence. This is associated with a change of women’s life style, diet and reproduction model. Over the last century, use of muscles in daily activities decreased by approximately 80% in favour of mental activity. As low physical activity is one of the risk factors for cancer, avoiding physical activity might significantly increase the incidence of such diseases. Physical activity has been hypothesised to be a method of primary and secondary prevention. Numerous epidemiologic and experimental studies demonstrated that physical activity constitutes a factor decreasing not only the risk of occurrence, but also the risk of relapse of malignant diseases. As secondary prevention, physical activity may improve patients’ general feeling and reduce the number and intensity of symptoms and signs of the disease as well as of negative sequels of its therapy. The aim of physiotherapy in breast cancer is to prevent and reduce limitations in the range of movement and muscle strength of the upper limb on the operated side, correct body posture, prevent lymphoedema, increase physical fitness and improve functioning of the immune system. Physiotherapy is organised in guided forms. It is initiated in the hospital following surgery and continued as outpatient rehabilitation involving dry and water gymnastics, swimming and therapy of lymphoedema and as rehabilitation in convalescent homes.
Authors and Affiliations
Iwona Malicka, Katarzyna Pawłowska
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