Plant protection products and farmers’ health – perspectives of the application of biomarkers for evaluation of exposure to pesticides and its biological effects

Journal Title: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu - Year 2011, Vol 17, Issue 1


Plant protection products are natural or synthetic substances applied for the control of hazardous or undesirable organisms. Organophosphorus compounds are among the most hazardous insecticides presently used, due to the risk of acute poisonings. Also, long-term exposure to the toxic effect of pesticides in the nearest surroundings or work environment brings about health risk. The degree of environmental and occupational exposure to the effect of organophosphorus pesticides may be monitored by means of biological markers evaluating exposure, health risk, or individual susceptibility to the toxic effect of these pesticides. The report presents biomarkers of early biological effect of exposure to organophosphorus pesticides, which are most often used, with particular consideration of genotoxic effect caused by exposure to these compounds. It also sums up the possibilities and limitations of biomarkers applied for the evaluation and identification of environmental/occupational exposure to pesticides

Authors and Affiliations

Lucyna Kapka-Skrzypczak, Małgorzata Cyranka, Marcin Kruszewski, Waldemar Turski


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Lucyna Kapka-Skrzypczak, Małgorzata Cyranka, Marcin Kruszewski, Waldemar Turski (2011). Plant protection products and farmers’ health – perspectives of the application of biomarkers for evaluation of exposure to pesticides and its biological effects. Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu, 17(1), 28-32.