Plays and Toys of the Early Childhood Age in the Contemporary World

Journal Title: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce - Year 2018, Vol 13, Issue 3


Plays and toys of the early childhood age in contemporary world are the subject of this study. Portraying chosen problems associated with tendencies of the early technological initiation of the child is a purpose of the author, since “the childhood largely is taking place in the cyberspace – the world of the small child is increasingly virtual (…)”. A contemporary child, in the physical and social space without the participation of technology, plays when the parent is prudent, when the child is in the preschool or nursery school - when he/she is in the space of an institution, because - apart from the cyberspace - today childhood is settled in the institutional environment. The author also discusses the exaggerated use of didactic activities in early childhood, reaching the conclusion that play should be a privilege of children in the early childhood and preschool age. Older children, in general, are deprived of the privilege of playing, because our fast-developing civilization oppresses children, making them “collect points” and think about rivalry at school and their future professional career. The study also considers the meaning of the play in the child’s development until the agre of three, and the pedagogical and psychological concepts concerning the meaning of the exploration and free play in the life of the child. Moreover, the author is reflecting on the instrumentalization of the contemporary play by leading the child into world of electronic toys.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Sadowska


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  • EP ID EP510713
  • DOI 10.14632/eetp.2018.13.49.139
  • Views 40
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How To Cite

Katarzyna Sadowska (2018). Plays and Toys of the Early Childhood Age in the Contemporary World. Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce, 13(3), 139-155.