Początkowy wzrost i rozwój wybranych gazonowychodmian Lolium perenne w różnych warunkach siedliskowych
Journal Title: Łąkarstwo w Polsce - Year 2015, Vol 18, Issue
The studies were conducted in the laboratory and field conditions in the years 2006–2011. The fieldwork was conducted in two habitats: in Sosnowica, at the Didactic-Research Station of the Department of Grassland and Landscape Forming, University of Life Sciences in Lublin (habitat A) and on the embankment of the National Road No. 17 alongside the Piaski–Łopiennik stretch (habitat B). The studies encompassed three Lolium perenne varieties: Natara, Nira and Taya. In laboratory conditions, thousand grain weight (TGW) and grain germination capacity (in %) were assessed. In field conditions, the seedling growth and root elongation rate (in mm) were assessed on the 20th, 40th and 60th day from the sowing date. The sowing was carried out in May: 8–12 May in habitat A, and 19–20 May in habitat B (depending on the year). In both habitats, two research series were conducted: I – 2006 and II – 2007 in habitat A, I – 2010 and II – 2011 in habitat B.The responses of the studied varieties to soil conditions were different. Regardless of the research series, the fastest seedling growth rate on mineral soil (habitat A) was observed for the Nira variety while on anthropogenic soil with an undeveloped profile (habitat B) – for the Natara variety. On the 20th day from the sowing date, in both research series, significantly longest roots were observed in the Natara variety in habitat B and in the Nira variety in habitat A. On the 20th day from the sowing date, the seedlings of the Natara variety had a similar root length in both habitats. The varied weather conditions in the particular research series had a strong impact on the growth and development of the varieties under study. In series I, regardless of the type of habitat, the seedlings of the Nira variety were the tallest and had the longest roots. In series II, the seedlings of the Nira variety were the tallest while the seedlings of the Taya variety had the longest roots. Regardless of the varied weather and soil conditions, the seedlings of the Nira variety showed the fastest initial growth and development rate in both research series.
Authors and Affiliations
Wanda Harkot, Adam Gawryluk, Z. Czarnecki, M. Powroźnik, Wiesław Wańkowicz
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