Zawartość mikotoksyn w sianie wybranych gatunków traw

Journal Title: Łąkarstwo w Polsce - Year 2015, Vol 18, Issue


Grasslands in Poland are an important component of the fodder base guaranteeing the feeding of livestock both in the summer and the autumn/winter period. The quality of fodder is determined not only by the amount of nutrients but also the presence of mycotoxins whose content varies depending on the weather conditions during the harvest as well as the conditions and duration of storage. Therefore, the study objective was to assess mycotoxin content in the hay of Phleum pratense L., Lolium perenne L.and Poa pratensis L. depending on the duration and place of its storage. Two batches of hay analysed came from the same, extensively used meadow (cut in June 2011) and were stored for 22 months outdoors in a stack (a) and inside a barn (b). The third batch of hay (c) was obtained from the same meadow but was stored for 10 months in a barn. Tests for the presence of mycotoxins in hay were carried out at the Central Agro-Ecological Laboratory of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, using the CLA/PLC method.The tests revealed that in most of the samples analysed, the hay was free of mycotoxins but even trace amounts of certain mycotoxins in the hay of P. pratensis L. and L. perenne L.can indicate a greater susceptibility of these species to contamination with pathogens as well as the considerable influence of species composition in hay on mycotoxin content. Hay stored in a barn, even for 22 months, was not ontaminated, but hay stored in conditions of exposure to weather factors contained trace amounts of mycotoxins, which indicates the influence of hay storage conditions on the presence and concentration of microfungi toxins.

Authors and Affiliations

Halina Lipińska, Wanda Harkot, Helena Ćwintal, Wiesław Wańkowicz, Agnieszka Kępkowicz, M. Michalak


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How To Cite

Halina Lipińska, Wanda Harkot, Helena Ćwintal, Wiesław Wańkowicz, Agnieszka Kępkowicz, M. Michalak (2015). Zawartość mikotoksyn w sianie wybranych gatunków traw. Łąkarstwo w Polsce, 18(), 159-169.