Pojam i pravna priroda zakonskog izdržavanja - The Concept and the Legal Nature of Legal Support
Journal Title: Godisnjak Fakulteta pravnih nauka - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 7
In the paper, the author points out the diff erence between the obligati on prescribed by the Family Law of the Republika Srpska (FL) and the obligati ons arising under the legal act (e.g. a contract on lifelong support, a contract on support, a contract on assignment and division of property during lifeti me or the will). He points out that the obligation to support prescribed FL is not formed directly on the basis of law, but rather on the basis of facts sti pulated by law. The author states that the obligati on of legal support as sti pulated by FL is fi nancial (in some cases, non-financial), long-lasting, positive, determined by gender, with possibility to liti gate, divisible, related to the personality, compulsive and with no possibility to superannuate. In additi on, it is the obligation which is based on the decision of the court from fi ling a lawsuit. In case when a person legally not obliged to give support contributed to it, the amount of received alimony will not be returned. The amount of support is changed through the decision of the court or an agreement, while the order of the persons required to give support is determined by the Family Law. Autor u radu razgraničava obavezu izdržavanja propisanu Porodičnim zakonom Republike Srpske (PZ) od obaveze izdržavanja koja nastaje na osnovu pravnog posla (ugovora o doživotnom izdržavanju, ugovora o izdržavanju, ugovora o ustupanju i raspodeli imovine za života ili testamenta). Isti če da obaveza izdržavanja propisana PZ ne nastaje direktno na osnovu zakona nego na osnovu činjenica propisanih zakonom. Smatra da je obligacija izdržavanja propisana PZ novčana (izuzetno nenovčana), dugotrajna, poziti vna, po rodu određena, utuživa, djeljiva, vezana za ličnost, prinudna i nezastariva. Osim toga, to je obligacija koja se osniva na odluci suda od podnošenja tužbe. U slučaju da je za izdržavanje doprinosilo lice koje nije po zakonu na to obavezno, primljeni iznosi izdržavanja se ne vraćaju. Visina izdržavanja menja se odlukom suda ili sporazumom, a redosled lica koja su dužna davati izdržavanje određen je Porodičnim zakonom.
Authors and Affiliations
Ilija Babić
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