Supletorni zatvor u krivičnom i prekršajnom pravu Srbije - Subsidiary Imprisonment in Criminal and Misdemeanor Law of Serbia
Journal Title: Godisnjak Fakulteta pravnih nauka - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 7
In a criminal (criminal and misdemeanor) law the right to deprivati on of liberty of movement of another person - a perpetrator of a criminal off ense - based on a decision of the court for a specifi ed period of ti me is a type of criminal sancti on of insti tuti onal character (whether it is punishment, security measure or educati onal measure). However, criminal law knows the so-called special forms of law-based deprivati ons of liberty, which do not represent the type and measure of criminal sancti ons. These are, in fact, forms of deprivati on of liberty that represent the substi tute for the other previously imposed, enti rely or partly, unpaid penalties - fine, driving license revocati on or work in the public interest. This Paper deals with the concept, type and characteristi cs of the subsidiary imprisonment in positi ve criminal law of the Republic of Serbia. U kaznenom (krivičnom i prekršajnom) pravu lišenje slobode kretanja drugog lica - učinioca kaznenog djela - na osnovu odluke suda za određeno vrijeme predstavlja vrstu krivične sankcije zavodskog karaktera (bez obzira na to da li se radi o kazni, mjeri bezbjednosti ili vaspitnoj mjeri). Međuti m, kazneno pravo poznaje i tzv. posebne oblike lišenja slobode koji su zasnovani na zakonu, a koji ne predstavljaju vrstu i mjeru krivične sankcije. Radi se, naime, o oblicima lišenja slobode koji predstavljaju zamjenu, supsti t za druge prethodne izrečene, ali u potpnosti ili djelimično, neizvršene kazne - novčanu kaznu, kaznu oduzimanja vozačke dozvole ili kaznu rada u javnom interesu. O pojmu, vrsti i karakteristi kama supletornog zatvora u poziti vnom kaznenom pravu Republike Srbije govori se u ovom radu.
Authors and Affiliations
Dragan Jovašević Marina Simović
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