Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2015, Vol 20, Issue 2
The disease is manifested as metabolism disturbance, mikrocyrculatory and metaloligand homeostasis disorders like atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus leading to a large number of cases of disability of working age, and lead to severe disability majority of patients with these disease. It is known that cellular cytoplasm is mainly formed of lipids, which together with proteins form lipoproteins complexes (cellular membranes). Disturbans of fat metabolism may manifest as: 1) appearance in the place where it does not appear under normal conditions; 2) increase of fat amount in the places where it is present under normal conditions. The main cause of fatty change is hypoxia which may be done to disturbances in transportation systems. Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease affecting primarily the intima of lager and medium-sized arteries and is characterized by fibrolipid planes or atheroma's. Although the fibrons and complicated planes are the atherosclerotic lesions associated with disturbances in blood front that cause clinical disease states the morphology changes of diffuse intimal thickening and fatty streaks may be aither precursors of the basic atherosclerotic lesion or stages in its development. Diabetes mellitus is due to relative or absolute insulin insufficiency. Insulin insufficiency increases blood glucose amount because cellular membranes are closed for glucose those hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia develop. Diabetic macro- and microangiopathy is seen in the vessels. Atherosclerosis lesions in the diabetic are morphologicaly identical to those occurring in nondiabetics. The symptomatic these disease involves most often the heart, brain kidneys small intestine and lower extremities. Complications those connected with angiopathy (gangrene of extremities, myocardical infarction, blindness). For the treatment and the prevention of these disease is necessary to investigate their ethiopathogenetical factors and functional pathological changes. The aim of the study was to examine the intensity of lipid peroxidation, protein status of anthioxidant system and content chelatable metals (Zn, Cu, Fe) in blood markers that characterized the state of adaptive system and metaloligand homeostasis. In are research took pat 60 humane. To the participatuts of experimental groups (n = 20) was a patient with diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. The human in control group (n = 20) was healthy. As biochemical parameters of surveyed persons functional condition: glucose, content in blood helatable metals (Zn, Cu, Fe). Hb content in erythrocytes metaloferments and antioxidant ferments. All patient has a changes in characteristics of the metaloligand homeostasis as deficite of Fe and Zn. It is established that oxidative stress is as one of the mechanisms of formation and the consequence of these discases one of the marcers of oxidative stress is the intensification and lipid peroxidation. Bower high density (HDL) in some diabetic subjects has been an enlaced turnover of glycosy-lated HDL. HDL is believed to exert a protective effect with respect to atherosclerosis. Glycosylation and cross-linking of proteins in the arterial wall may damage the vessel and predispose it to atherosclerosis. Found among patients surveyed of deseases imbalance in the POL-AOS characterized by lower efficiency of antioxidant defense, demonstrates the need for inclusion in the complex therapy of patients antioxidation and drugs. Исследовалось влияние заболеваний, характеризующихся нарушением обмена липидов и повреждением сосудов (сахарный диабет и облитерирующий атеросклероз) на показатели, характеризующие содержание металлолигандного гомеостаза в плазме крови (содержание в сыворотке Zn, Cu, Fe, церулоплазмина) и эритроцитах (содержание Hb, % гликозилированного Hb) и металлоферментов. Установлено, что изменения в липидном обмене, характеризующиеся гиперлипидемией разного типа, II при облитерирующем атеросклерозе, что обуславливает местное поражение сосудов и IV при сахарном диабете, обуславливающее общее поражение сосудов. Оба заболевания вследствие общих этиопатогенетических факторов почти одинаково негативно влияют на механизмы антиоксидантной защиты. Изменения показателей, характеризующие металлолигандный гомеостаз, однонаправлены для Zn и Fe, их содержание снижалось при обоих заболеваниях. Содержание Cu изменялся разнонаправлено при сахарном диабете он повышался, а при облитерирующем атеросклерозе снижался.
Authors and Affiliations
Ю. В. Єщенко, В. Д. Бовт, Л. О. Омельянчик, О. А. Бондарюк Eshchenko J. V. , Bovt V. D. , Omelyanchik L. A. , Bondaruk O. A.
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