Police Nature of the Soviet Passport System
Journal Title: Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue
The author investigates the police nature of soviet passport system, established in the USSR in 1930 for support of the state course headed for collective farm building and accelerated industrialization of country. The author uses archive documents in the research of passport system as a complex of legal sanctions for restriction of the right to choose the place of residence and direct attachment of citizens to their localities by means of ‘propiska’ system. At the beginning of thirtieth the largescale state programmes were spread out for regulating of the migration flows: the organized recruitment of workers and agricultural resettling of families were the the most efficient ones. There were built up in the USSR in 1929–1932 1500 industry works, in 1933–1937 – 4500 and in 1938–1940 – 3000. 18 millions of peasants were transferred from the countryside to the urban places of inhabitance. The homeless newly-made working class is provided with housing conditions of minimum standards and propiska according to the address. The author puts special emphasis on close connection of the legal system in its concrete embodiment with housing system in the USSR in thirties. The last becomes the integral part of working economic system with the functions of compulsion to labour activities, joining the ranks of the working class and their attachment to the socialist production. The author comes to the conclusion that administrative and government systems of the USSR, using the mechanism of rent-free distribution in the dwelling sphere as the control lever, proved to be more effective when solving the problems, that required before for direct repression. The Soviet legislation did not disclaim the class character of home passport system, explaining necessity of its creation by demands of the times, in particular by complicated circumstances of the “class struggle and unsettled questions of dictatorship of working class at the different stages of socialist construction”. Paradoxicality of this ideologeme consists in contradictoriness of declaration on antagonistic classes: ruling working class, increasing rows owing to runaways from crushed dawn countryside, and exhausted by class struggle and starvation peasantry with a stigma of “kulaks”. Is it possible? The author is looking for answers.
Authors and Affiliations
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