Поліпарадигмальна модель особистісного самоконструювання персоналу організацій (Poliparadigmal model of employees' personal self-design)
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2018, Vol 13, Issue 2
The article deals with employees' personal self-design (EPSD) model that is based on the employees' changes in work and career. The model uses the polyparadigmal approach to EPSD. The author analyzes different aspects of EPSD, which include socio-humanitarian and philosophical systems of life-designing, ideas and definitions of post-classical science of personal self-design, synergistic achievements and psychological and educational practices of self-design. The author discusses the structure, content and logic of EPSD. The author defines a polyparadigmal model as a set of stable characteristics that determine the meaningful unity of the theoretical and practical forms of EPSD.
Authors and Affiliations
Tamara Solomka
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