Формування та розвиток кадрового резерву промислового підприємства за допомогою технології управління талановитими працівниками [Industrial enterprise personnel reserve development using a talented workers management technology]


The article emphasizes that the formation and development of personnel potential is one of the prime conditions for the achievement of the strategic goals of an industrial enterprise. The author presents the talented workers management technology that was developed and introduced into OJSC MotorSich. It is shown that the multilevel process of personnel reserve development allows revealing the most talented workers and improving their professional life and educational level. The author argues that personnel reserve development allows identifying the best career-oriented workers and correlating their needs with the enterprise capabilities to meet these needs. The introduction of the talented workers management system into OJSC MotorSich contributes to the enterprise competitiveness, creates new workplaces for promising young workers, improves young specialists psychological support and development, as well as promotes innovative psychological approaches to personnel management. It is emphasized that researchers in the field of organizational psychology advocate the introduction of talented workers management technologies into enterprises as an important way to achieve the economic goals of industrial production.

Authors and Affiliations

Angelika Poplavska


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  • EP ID EP538996
  • DOI 10.31108/2.2018.3.14.9
  • Views 113
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How To Cite

Angelika Poplavska (2018). Формування та розвиток кадрового резерву промислового підприємства за допомогою технології управління талановитими працівниками [Industrial enterprise personnel reserve development using a talented workers management technology]. Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія, 14(3), 80-86. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-538996