ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ АСПЕКТИ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ПСИХОЛОГІЧНОГО ЗДОРОВ’Я ОСОБИСТОСТІ (Theoretical aspects of research on psychological health)


The author discusses the key definitions of psychological health and makes a comparative analysis of the concepts of health, psychological health and mental health. The author proposes a new interpretation of psychological health as a dynamic state of internal well-being (coherence) of the individual, which provides optimal actions and behaviors when interacting with external objective conditions and other people, thus allowing an individual to actualize their own psychological potentials. Mental health is defined as the state of mental well-being, which is characterized by the absence of abnormal mental symptoms and provides adequate regulation of behaviors and activities. Analysis of various scientific approaches allowed determining psychological health criteria, which include socio-psychological, individual-psychological and value criteria. The author also discusses the following models of psychological health: a) a psychologically healthy individual is a free and independent person; b) a psychologically healthy individual is a mature person; c) a psychologically healthy individual has their own identity; d) a psychologically healthy individual is realized and satisfied in all activities.

Authors and Affiliations

Antonina Shevchenko


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How To Cite

Antonina Shevchenko (2018). ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ АСПЕКТИ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ПСИХОЛОГІЧНОГО ЗДОРОВ’Я ОСОБИСТОСТІ (Theoretical aspects of research on psychological health). Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія, 12(1), 108-115. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-532723