Математична верифікація критеріальної валідності методики дослідження ризиків професійного здоров’я [Mathematical verification of occupational health risks research instrument criteria validity]
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 4
The author presents the results of the mathematical verification of criteria validity of the instrument designed by her to research occupational health risks by subjective criteria. Given the importance of the reliable psychodiagnostic instruments, the author emphasizes that the measuring instruments used for studying occupational health risks should be specific to a given profession and work settings. The article gives a detailed description of the sample and the inductive strategy-based questionnaire designing that involves factor analysis and other correlation-based statistical procedures. The author also analyzes the respondents' introspective self-reports in line with the questionnaire that were used as subjective validation criteria as well as the results of criteria verification of the questionnaire validity using the Spearman rank correlation by subjective criteria. The questionnaire under consideration has been shown to have numerous correlations by subjective criteria: the positive components of occupational health risks have direct whereas the negative components - inverse relationships with the respondents' subjective assessments of their own occupational health. These relationships range from moderately weak to very strong with those stronger than average prevailing. The article can be helpful for the researchers who specialize in the development, modification and testing of psychodiagnostic instruments.
Authors and Affiliations
Tetiana Dzuba
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