Взаємозв’язок негативної агресивності особистості з типом міжособистісних відносин (Relationships between negative aggressiveness and types of interpersonal relations)
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 2
The article presents the research results on negative aggressiveness in interpersonal communication. The sample was made up of 40 male sophomores of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The instruments used included A. Bass and A. Darka 'Assessment of aggression indicators and forms' (adapted by K.A. Osnytski) and T. Leary 'Interpersonal diagnosis of personality'. The investigation found the presence of significant potential for aggressive motivation in students (p = 0.000). The respondents had high scores on 'negativism' and 'physical aggression' scales with the scores on other scales within normal limits. The cadets with high and low aggressive motivation were shown to differ on the 'physical aggression', 'verbal aggression' and 'negativism' scales. As negative aggressiveness grew, the levels of indirect aggression grew, too (p= 0.01). The priority types of interpersonal relationships of students with high aggressive motivation were authoritarian, friendly and submissive types. The respondents of middle and low aggressive motivation chose authoritarian, friendly and aggressive types of interpersonal relations. Correlations between quantitative indicators of students' negativism and types of interpersonal relations were absent. Physical aggression (r = 0.822) and indirect aggression (r = -0.870) strongly correlated with friendly interpersonal relationships type; the indirect aggression (r = -0.879) strongly correlated with the submissive type of interpersonal relationships in students with high aggressive motivation. The respondents with middle aggressive motivation expressed indirect aggression in the authoritarian interpersonal relationships (r = 0.523). The students with low aggressive motivation avoided expressing verbal aggression in the friendly interpersonal relationships type (r = -0.664).
Authors and Affiliations
Lyudmila Zakharenko
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