Дослідження мотиваційної сфери особистості, що шукає роботу (Research into job seekers’ motivation sphere)
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2018, Vol 15, Issue 4
The article deals with a theoretical and practical study into job seekers' work motivation and the behavior motivation of the unemployed. The positive job-seeking motivation is a complex interaction of objective and subjective factors associated with both job-seekers' personal features and, to a large extent, with job-seekers' satisfaction of their basic needs determined by their social place, experience and specific life situation. The author considers different motivation assessment instruments and empirically investigates the employed and registered unemployed job-seekers' motivation profiles, as well as analyzes the results of a job search motivation study. The obtained experimental data revealed differences in the dominant job-seeking motives of the unemployed and employed job-seekers. Mathematical and rating analysis of the relative personal values of twelve motivational needs found that the leading motivating needs of both unemployed and employed job-seekers included the need for high wages and financial remuneration and the need for good working conditions and a comfortable environment. However, the both respondent groups considered as the least important the need to be influential and authoritative and the need to set difficult personal goals. Besides, the respondent groups had significant differences in the importance they attached to the role of the need for personal self-improvement and development.
Authors and Affiliations
Olesia Borets
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