Соціально-психологічний супровід соціалізації вчителя в умовах реформування освіти (Socio-psychological support for teachers' socialization in the context of education reform)
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue 4
The article analyzes the distinctive features of the organizational structure and socio-psychological support for the educational process in secondary educational institutions. The author discusses the social situation of children's development and perception of the present by schoolchildren and adults (teachers) as well as the key problems to be solved by teachers to make the educational interaction effective based on the trends in education reform. The article also describes the main problems faced by school psychologists in their work and their basic work regulations. The main objectives of school psychologists include provision of psychological assistance to teachers and students who have difficulties in developing social norms of their behavior in the educational space as well as giving secondary school principals' managerial and organizational counseling. The main attention is paid to the giving psychological support for teachers in the context of secondary socialization. The author reveals the role of socio-psychological support for the teaching staff in the context of their socialization (secondary socialization) in the conditions of social changes and school reform in Ukraine. The author makes a conclusion about the necessity of school psychologists' special training in teacher and school administration organizational and managerial counseling.
Authors and Affiliations
Galyna Gorban
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