Тренінг «Психологічна підготовка педагогічних працівників до розвитку організаційної культури позашкільних навчальних закладів» (Training Porgram "Teachers’ Extracurricular Educational Institution Organizational Culture Development Training")


The article presents a technological approach-based training program "Teachers’ Extracurricular Educational Institution Organizational Culture Development Training". The author describes the content of the training program, which included the Introduction, Training session 1 "Content and Structure of Extracurricular Educational Institution Organizational Culture", Training Session 2 "Extracurricular Educational Institution Organizational Culture Typology", Training Session 3 "Measures of Extracurricular Educational Institution Organizational Culture", Training session 4 "Extracurricular Educational Institution Organizational Culture Development Meso-Level Factors", Training session 5 "Extracurricular Educational Institution Organizational Culture Development Micro-Level Factors", and Debriefing. Each of the five training sessions consisted of an introduction, during which the trainees spoke about their training program expectations, did ice-breaker exercises and presented their individual creative or diagnostic projects. The main part of each session was made up of the informative, diagnostic and developmental components, which used a range of interactive exercises, small group work and psychological workshops aimed at determining the types and measures of extracurricular educational institution organizational culture, management style, creative potential and characteristics. The debriefing was conducted in the form of self-analysis exercises and thematic parables.

Authors and Affiliations

Victoria Baranova


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  • EP ID EP513663
  • DOI 10.31108/2.2018.3.14.2
  • Views 107
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How To Cite

Victoria Baranova (2018). Тренінг «Психологічна підготовка педагогічних працівників до розвитку організаційної культури позашкільних навчальних закладів» (Training Porgram "Teachers’ Extracurricular Educational Institution Organizational Culture Development Training"). Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія, 14(3), 15-27. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-513663