Polityka integracyjna Francji - motywy, koncepcje i rezultaty France’s integration policy - motives, concepts and outcomes


The subject of this study is an evaluation of the French policy’ s influence on the European integration processes. It turns out that its fundamental impact on the degree and dynamics of integration was at first the result of political premises and since the Conference in Messina (1955) and with gradual attaining of higher integration stages the economic reasons have played more and more important role. The French were authors or coauthors of most concepts and plans of integration’s development. Their realisations were more effective in the atmosphere of good understanding with German leaders when both sides were able to reconcile the national interests with the Community development’s priorities. The greatest achievements in shaping directions of integration’s development and carrying out tasks have F. Mitterrand and his close collaborator J. Delors. All France’s presidents (even Mitterrand) were not interested in strengthening in EEC/EU of the supranational structures. The federal point of view in building “the common Europe” was presented by J. Delors. The most significant role was played by J. Monnet – pragmatic federalist – who created the basis of European integration’s development, took an active part in conceptual works and supported realisations of plans, had a great influence through his considerable standing and international contacts Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim

Authors and Affiliations

Bogumiła Mucha-Leszko


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  • EP ID EP169315
  • DOI 10.17951/h.2013.47.2.165
  • Views 65
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How To Cite

Bogumiła Mucha-Leszko (2013). Polityka integracyjna Francji - motywy, koncepcje i rezultaty France’s integration policy - motives, concepts and outcomes. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H Oeconomia, 0(0), 165-178. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-169315