Polysemy of areal phrasemes (on the material of nominal phrasemes of Boikivskiy dialect)
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство) - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 2
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the polysemy of nominal phrasemes of Boikivskiy dialect. It is stated that phraseological system of Boikivskiy dialect isn’t closed, it is in constant dynamics caused by self-development and contacts with similar dialectal systems and literary language which causes the parallels of these language segments. Besides, phrasemics of Boikivshchyna is in hierarchical, hyponymic hypernymic compensational and other ties with vocabulary, morphology and syntax of dialects of areal. All these factors influence the development of polysemy on the level of phraseologisms. The peculiarities of phraseologisms, namely Boikivsky phraseologisms, are outlined in the article. Firstly, most polysemic phraseologisms in Boikivskiy dialect have two meanings, rarely- three; secondly, sememes of a polysemic word, especially in literary language, reveal heterogeneity as to functional styles; thirdly, in the lexical composition of the language there isn’t a multi-meaning word which would consist only of transferred meanings. It is pointed out that practically all phraseologisms as well as those ones from Boikivshchyna as units of secondary nominations have only transferred meanings, one of which can be the main and the other one – derivative. We substantiate the ways of forming of phraseologisms ambiguity among which the most important are: consistent development on the basis of the main meaning of the first level derivative and from the last one – the second level derivative and so on and also parallel reconsideration of the derivational base of a phraseologism. A weak development of polysemy in phraseologisms is stated which is caused by the specificity of the nature of a phraseologism meaning (metaphorisity and a high level of abstraction), by nominative selectivity and accordingly by less frequency of use in communication acts.
Authors and Affiliations
М. Б. Яким
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